Hello & Welcome!
My name is Claire. I teach gentle yoga & exercise classes that are inclusive for most adults, regardless of age, ability or experience. I take great pride in teaching friendly, relaxed, engaging and age appropriate sessions, and have over 25 years experience. I run morning yoga classes in Geeveston & Franklin, a chair yoga session at Huonville Library, & a weekly online Zoom yoga class. Yoga is for every one & every body. Attend a class and make looking after yourself a pleasurable, enjoyable experience.
Huon Valley and Zoom classes run during school terms. Book your spot NOW! Your first class is FREE.
What is your True Nature
“What exactly do you mean when you talk of our true nature ?” This was the question posed by a student on […]
The Art & Heart of Giving & Receiving
“That was a great class, Claire”, a student remarks. Do I accept the compliment, or do I brush it aside? […]
Hatha Yoga. What does it mean?
Recently a potential student enquired as to what kind of yoga I teach. Oh no, not that old curly question! […]
Life is a Creative Adventure
I have been teaching yoga for many years. My very 1st classes were held in a dirty, dusty, pigeon club […]
Contact Claire
Got a question?
Please get in touch. I’m happy to answer any questions and will respond as soon as I can.
Email Claire
0448 074 204